At Helswingi everyone should feel safe, comfortable, respected and in control of their physical autonomy at all times. Therefore,  we expect all our participants to follow this basic Code of Conduct.



We do not accept any form of harassment, violence or safety threatening behavior. The organizers reserve the right to expel a participant in case of misconduct without refund.

In class

  • Be on time

  • Be friendly to each other

  • Only give feedback when asked to do so

At the parties

  • Be respectful to venue staff

  • You may say “no” to a dance politely.

  • You can dance as many or few dances with one person as you want

  • Be aware that everyone regardless of gender might like to lead, follow or switch

  • Dance in a manner that is safe for yourself, your partner and dancers around you

  • If you bump into someone, apologize and check if they are alright.

At all times

  • We condemn all harassing and/or rude behaviour!

  • Please speak to each other kindly, politely and respectfully. Misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, or racist language will not be tolerated.

 And What if…

  • Someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable at the event, come to the registration desk and our safe space responsible will handle your concerns in a discrete manner.

This code of conduct has been adapted from Blues River Note and Chase Festival.

Last updated: 26 May 2019.